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Welcoming New Arrivals

Welcoming a new baby into the family

By National Day Nurseries Association 

How can I help my child when a new baby arrives?

Use time when you are feeding your baby to cuddle your older child up close. You might want to suggest that they bring a book and you look at the pictures together. You will soon get used to multi-tasking!

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    Involve your child in as much of the baby’s care as you can. Giving children responsibility helps create a sense of pride in their new role.

    Try to limit the amount of visitors that come to the house each day. When a new baby arrives, it’s normal for extended family and friends to want to gather round – but it is alright to say no. You really do need to have time as a family to get adjusted and get to know the new addition yourselves. Too many visitors can be distressing for young  children especially if it disturbs their usual routines.

    Stick to children’s normal routines. Bath time and snuggled up bedtimes stories are a great way to calm your child after a busy day and spend some much needed one to one time. It’s easy to forgo a night or two when tiredness sets in but remember these times in the day provide stability for children.

    Some helpful tips for you...

    • Remind yourself that things don’t have to perfect. When you have young children it’s all about things being ‘good enough’ and surviving the day!
    • Set yourself realistic goals. Looking after a toddler or pre-schooler and a baby is time consuming. Don’t underestimate how long a trip to the shops can take when you factor in feeds and trips to the toilet.
    • Make time for self-care. Arrange to meet friends for lunch or take yourself for a walk. You deserve a break every once in a while.
    • Last but not least, celebrate the little wins! This time is precious and passes quickly.


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    About the contributor

    NDNA partnered with Acamar Films, producer of the award-winning preschool series Bing, to bring parents some helpful tips and suggestions to support them during the ups and downs of children’s transitions.

    NDNA are the national membership organisation and the voice of day nurseries in the UK: the people behind the people who care, and champion the best for our children. By providing early years training, advice and guidance, we give your nursery the edge, an advantage that makes it the best it can be.


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