Series Two
Flop shows Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. But what happens when Pando pops Bing’s first?
In the garden, Flop shows Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando can blow really big ones so Bing thinks his bubble wand is broken. Pando swaps with him but Bing still can't seem to make a bubble! Flop reminds Bing to dip it, drip it, and gently blooowwww. A nice big bubble forms and floats towards Pando who pops it. Bing is upset with Pando for popping his first bubble but soon discovers a new way of creating lots of bubbles all at once!

“Pando popped my bubble but he wasn’t naughty, ‘cause popping bubbles is part of the fun.”

Elliot Kerley

Mark Rylance

Shai Portnoy